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Fill Aerification Holes With Sand


This video clip shows the way water moves into an aerification hole filled with sand all the way to the surface. Notice how the water does not penetrate into the aerification hole that was not backfilled all the way to the soil surface. The full DVD of Water Movement in Soils is replete with interesting demonstrations of how water moves in soils and is available for purchase from the Department of Crop and Soil Sciences at Washington State University.

It is important to understand how water moves into new and old aerification holes. When core aerification is done, the holes must be filled with sand. If holes are not filled with sand, the result, over time, may be counterproductive, as it may lead to more hydrophobic conditions in the soil. When holes are filled to the surface with sand, and then regular sand topdressing is applied (I suggest about 0.012 m3/m2, or 1.2 cm annually) to keep adequate air space at the soil surface, and when solid-tine aerification is used as well, then there will be adequate channels for water to move into the soil, there will be adequate air space in the soil, and turfgrass conditions will be improved. 


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