Field Renovation for the 2010 World Cup
Turfgrass at Bangladesh

Guidelines for Tropical Turfgrass Installation and Management

Book Order Form - NPB Singapore

The Centre for Urban Greenery and Ecology (a division of National Parks Singapore) have published their Guidelines for Tropical Turfgrass Installation and Management. These Guidelines will be useful for anyone managing turfgrass in Southeast Asia, especially for those who take care of parks, sports fields, cemeteries, and lawns.

Dr. Kenneth Marcum, senior researcher in Turfgrass for CUGE, prepared these Guidelines to provide the first comprehensive guide of tropical turfgrasses for Singapore and Southeast Asia, with the Guidelines covering species selection, construction, planting and establishment, and maintenance. Download the order form to purchase these Guidelines (currently available for SGD 20). I can vouch for the usefulness of this book, as I reviewed it as a member of the CUGE Turfgrass Standards Technical Committee.


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