Plant Available Nutrients in Sand Rootzones
Why I Study Japanese

ATC in 2010, by the Numbers

China Last year I prepared a three-page report with a list of some of the work we had done in 2009 and what work was forthcoming in 2010. Rather than prepare such a report now, which would need to be downloaded, I'll just write out some of the more interesting numbers associated with the work of ATC in the past year.

  • Visitors from 110 countries accessed this website,, for which I wrote 44 new posts in 2010. There were more than 7,800 unique visitors to the Asian Turf Seminar, Asian Turfgrass Center, and Viridescent websites.
  • We did more than 250 soil and water analyses for select clients in five countries.
  • Work1 I made 22 presentations at universities, educational conferences, and golf course superintendent meetings at Japan, Malaysia, Indonesia, China, Bangladesh, and Thailand.
  • My work took me to seventeen countries in 2010. 
  • I flew 93 times, an average of one flight every 3.9 days.
  • I wrote fourteen articles that were published in 2010 and wrote six more articles that are in press for publication in early 2011.
  • I made eleven posts at the Turf Diseases website for which I am an occasional contributor on international topics.


  • I worked at the Masters Tournament, US Open, Open Championship, and Asian Amateur Championship.
  • Visitors to the Asian Turfgrass Center website were from 75 countries, and the top ten countries sending visits were, in this order: Japan, United States, Thailand, China, Malaysia, Singapore, India, Australia, Philippines, and the United Kingdom.
  • This year begins, as did 2010, with plans for a number of upcoming seminars, advisory work for great clients, a long list of exciting writing projects, and travel to salubrious places.



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