World Cities Plotted by Climatological Normals, June
Australian Turfgrass Conference & Associated Studies

What Grasses Are Growing on Golf Courses in Thailand?

In 2006, ATC conducted a survey of the grass types on golf courses in Thailand. Surveys were sent to the more than 200 courses in Thailand, and 41 of the surveys were completed and returned. Data from that survey are shown in this table:

I've visited or played golf at 24 different golf courses in Thailand since January 1, and I thought it would be interesting to summarize the different grass types that are being grown on these courses. Of the 24 courses I've been to this year, 79% have hybrid bermudagrass on the greens, 4% seashore paspalum, and 17% use Zoysia matrella. On fairways this year, 38% of the courses I've visited have seashore paspalum, bermudagrass and Zoysia matrella are each on 29% of the courses, and a native grass mixture is on 4%. 

green fairway of Laguna Phuket

I like the native grasses on the fairways because of reduced fertilizer and water requirements and the paucity of any pests on Zoysia or Axonopus in Thailand. Not only do these fairways have great color (see at right), they also have great playability.

At Thailand there has been rapid adoption of new bermudagrass cultivars. Nineteen of the courses I visited this year have bermudagrass on the greens, and of those there are two with Miniverde, four with Novotek, five with Tifdwarf, and eight with TifEagle.

Many of the older courses in Thailand such as Royal Hua Hin (pictured below) and Royal Bangkok Sports Club use a fine-bladed Zoysia on the greens. This grass requires little maintenance and produces a fine playing surface for year-round play. One thing I don't see much of on zoysia greens is algae — the grass leaves provide such a dense cover of the ground and the irrigation requirements are such that algae never has a chance to gain a foothold.

zoysia green at Royal Hua Hin

I wrote more about warm-season grass selection and maintenance in this article for Golf Business Asia in 2008. But no matter what grasses are used at the courses in Thailand, I think you will find that the playing conditions across the country are consistently among the best in Southeast Asia. With an active golf course superintendents association (the Thai GCSA), regular educational events such as the Sustainable Turfgrass Management in Asia conference, and a steady stream of new golf courses being built and older courses being renovated, Thailand is an exciting place to study grass.



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Are the zoysia greens and fairways just native selections?

Hi Leah, yes the zoysias on golf courses in Thailand are native selections.

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