Registration Now Open for Sustainable Turfgrass Management in Asia 2012
World Cities Plotted by Annual Climatological Normals

ATC in 2011, by the Numbers

Seminar-osuAs we come to the end of another year, it is interesting to look at some of the numbers related to the work done this year, particularly in comparison with the previous years (2009 report, 2010 report). In 2011, I'm especially glad to see that we continue to provide more people with turfgrass information through our websites and training programs.

  • Golf-todayVisitors from 119 countries visited this website, Viridescent, for which I wrote 60 new posts in 2011. Both are a substantial increase over 2010, and we saw a 22% increase this year in unique visitors to the Asian Turfgrass Center, Asian Turf Seminar, and Viridescent websites.
  • Volume of soil and water analyses for select clients in Asia were up by 70% this year as turfgrass managers see the value in a scientific approach to plant nutrition.


  • I made about 35 presentations at universities, educational conferences, and golf course superintendent meetings at Japan, Australia, China, Thailand, India, United States, and the Philippines. The highlights include keynote talks about plant nutrition at the Australian Turfgrass Conference in Adelaide in June and conducting the India Greenkeeper Education Programme at Kolkata, New Delhi, Mumbai, and Bangalore in November and December.
  • Igu-qutabMy work took me to fifteen countries in 2011.
  • I flew 94 times, an average of one flight every 3.9 days.
  • Fourteen articles were published in 2011 including the cover story from the January Greenkeeper International and the story I wrote with Dr. Frank Rossi about the endlessly fascinating Park Grass experiment, published in April by the USGA Green Section Record.
  • I made ten posts at the Turf Diseases website - newly redesigned this year - for which I am an occasional contributor on international topics.
  • Visitors to the Asian Turfgrass Center website were from 70 countries and the top ten countries sending visits were, in this order: Japan, United States, Thailand, Australia, Malaysia, India, United Kingdom, Singapore, Philippines, and China.
  • Bubble-chartI made nine interactive bubble charts of climatological data and fourteen static charts; these data graphics are useful in predicting which grasses will perform well in specific geographic regions and in preparing maintenance calendars for different grass types.
  • Data were collected from 220 putting greens in six countries growing seven species of grass. This ongoing project characterizes the playing performance of different grass species and establishes normal values for different grass species in Asia. 
  • This year ends, as did 2010, with plans for a number of upcoming seminars, advisory work for great clients, travel to salubrious places, and a long list of exciting writing projects.



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