A Chart of Golf Courses in East, South, and Southeast Asia, by Country
04 March 2012
Data: asia.courses • Chart ID: GeoChartID185f4115a9f
R version 2.14.2 (2012-02-29) • googleVis-0.2.14 • Google Terms of Use • Data Policy
R version 2.14.2 (2012-02-29) • googleVis-0.2.14 • Google Terms of Use • Data Policy
This chart shows the number of golf courses, by country, for East, South, and Southeast Asia. I've estimated the number of courses by country and in some cases may have made substantial errors in the estimates, so if you have the correct information, please send it to me and I will update this chart.
The total number of courses in these regions of Asia, by my estimate, is 4,500. Slightly more than 50% of those golf courses are in Japan.