IGU Greenkeeper Education in East Zone
Report on the 2012 India Greenkeeper Education Programme

PACE Turf and the Minimum Levels for Sustainable Nutrition (MLSN) Guidelines

Pace_mlsnI've been working with Dr. Larry Stowell from PACE Turf in the development of the MLSN guidelines for soil test interpretation. Today, Larry is making a presentation on this project at the Crop Science Society of America annual meeting in Cincinnati.

The paper, Development of Minimum Levels for Sustainable Nutrition Soil Guidelines Using Data Mining and Distribution Fitting Software, can be studied with a look at the abstract or at the presentation slides which have been made available for download.

In addition to the work with PACE Turf for the MLSN project, we have also collaborated to produce informational videos on topics ranging from turfgrass management and light to turfgrass nutrient requirements. Check out the PACE Turf YouTube channel for those videos and others about turf management.

The PACE Turf website contains a wealth of information about turfgrass management and recommendations on disease management, insect management, improving turf conditions during stressful weather, and much more. The work of Dr. Wendy Gelernter and Dr. Larry Stowell at PACE Turf is a valuable resource to turf managers. I refer to their reference guides and other fact sheets on a weekly basis, and I expect a practicing turfgrass manager would find this information even more valuable than I do. 

I highly recommend PACE Turf membership. Check it out at this link, and watch a video introducing MLSN below.


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