Turfgrass Mystery: a spotted seashore paspalum green
An Exemplary Guide to Control of Turfgrass Diseases

Turfgrass Fertilizers: an exemplary fact sheet

Fert_fact_sheetThis fact sheet, Selected Fertilizers Used in Turfgrass Fertilization by Dr. Sartain and Dr. Kruse from the University of Florida, is only 12 pages long but is packed with useful information about the primary sources of turfgrass nutrients.

Covering the major fertilizers from ammonium sulfate to urea, potassium chloride to Polyon, this document serves as a reference and a review of the various properties of these fertilizer products. This is an excellent guide to the main sources of nitrogen, phosphorus, and potassium applied to turfgrass, along with an overview of some of the different controlled-release nitrogen sources.

It is a good document to have on one's desk or computer.


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