Two Excellent Articles: course maintenance standards and bermudagrass green edges
Photos from Sustainable Turfgrass Management in Asia 2013

Turfgrass Nutrient Requirements and Fertilizer Choice

WoodsI made two presentations this week at the Sustainable Turfgrass Management in Asia conference. The slides and supplemental handouts from these presentations are available for download with links provided below.

The handouts for each talk are the most useful of these documents. Although the title of the first presentation is Nutrient Requirements of Tropical Turfgrass, the handout outlines a method that can be applied to any grass, at any location, to determine nutrient requirements.

This presentation makes use of the temperature-based growth potential (GP) of PACE Turf. After my talk, I was asked if there is a web-based service available for determining GP at one's location. There is not, but PACE Turf, in their IPM planning tools, provide Climate Appraisal Forms that have the growth potential equation embedded and are an easy way to introduce oneself to these calculations.

The second presentation is entitled What Fertilizer Should I Use? The accompanying handout explains how expected nutrient use of the grass can be compared to soil nutrient levels to determine exactly how much, and of which elements, should be applied in order to keep the nutrient availability at or above the minimum levels for sustainable nutrition (MLSN) guidelines.

Handout: Nutrient Requirements of Tropical Turfgrass, 5 page PDF

Handout: What Fertilizer Should I Use, 4 page PDF


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