Monthly Turfgrass Roundup: July 2014
Presentation slides and handouts from Macau

Three of my favorite projects from Beth Guertal's Research Group

Fertilization of bentgrass with commercial foliar products - guertal ats 2010.pdf (page 1 of 10)
I was excited to read the press release from AGIF and GCSAA last week announcing that Beth Guertal will be teaching in September at events in the Philippines and Vietnam. I've always enjoyed studying the research she does, and these seminars are a great opportunity for learning from one of the world's experts on turfgrass management. 

I'm not sure that she will be talking about these particular experiments, but these are three of my favorites (of the many) from her research group.

  1. Fertilization of bentgrass with commercial foliar products: Greenhouse evaluations. "In most cases foliar application of urea was as effective (for N uptake and dry matter yield) as applying any of the commercial materials."
  2. Potassium Movement and Uptake as Affected by Potassium Source and Placement. "Over the 2 year study potassium application had no beneficial effects on turfgrass performance, and acceptable performance was achieved across a wide gradient of K content in soil and leaf tissue. Regardless of soil test K level, no deficiency symptoms were observed."
  3. Fan and syringe application for cooling bentgrass greens. "In general, reductions in the maximum observed temperature occurred in the following order: fan plus syringing, fan only, syringe only, and, no fan/no syringe."


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