How much N is in rain and snow?
"Is there a particular reason why you think it's a poor way to fertilise?"

Turfgrass roundup: May 2017

Billy Crow asks how do I know if I have a nematode problem?

MacKenzie's fundamental principle of greenkeeping.

Paul Jansen with an amazing video of greenkeeping in Myanmar:

Bill Kreuser wrote about PGR over-regulation on golf green collars.

See how irrigation requirement changes with daily soil water balance in the Philippines.

How can a location with more rain also require more irrigation?

Doug Soldat with more surprising photos, this time of dandelions:

Brad Revill reports on eight months of MLSN.

My 2017 workflow.

Kreuser with more PGR info:

Jason Haines thinks we can do better than organic.

Four seminars about soil test interpretation in Australia.

Is this the best backdrop in golf?

Sue Crawford with an update from the MLSN green.

The two green system in Japan isn't always about summer and winter greens.

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