Turfgrass roundup: June 2017

The ATC blog has moved

After eight and a half years, and 841 posts, I've moved the blog to www.asianturfgrass.com. More details about that at the end.

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That first post about Banyan GC in Hua Hin sure seems like a long time ago!


What's going to happen with the 841 posts that are here now? I'm going to leave them just as they are, for now. I may migrate them to another address sometime, but I'd like to do that while still having pointers to the new location from the existing addresses, so I don't break too many links. Since I don't know how to do that right now, I'm not going to rush to change anything. For now, just expect this to be as it is, and all new content is going to be at www.asianturfgrass.com.

Why make the change? I have a few reasons.

  • It will be easier for me to write and make use of what I've written using the new setup
  • I think the new site looks better and I hope you do too
  • The new site should load faster

I've used the Beautiful Jekyll template to generate the new site. I write posts in Markdown, Jekyll generates a static site, and there you have it. And I get to have my blog in plain text and under version control, which is useful for me in a lot of ways. For example, A Short Grammar of Greenkeeping is written in Markdown too. If I want to make books or booklets with some of the content from the blog, it is going to be a lot easier if I have it all in folders on my computer in plain text files, rather than in messy HTML in databases on some server I don't own.

Plus, it's faster and looks better.


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