
Turfgrass roundup: June 2017

Three points about turfgrass roots and fertilizer.

Frank Rossi, Dan Dinelli, and Roch Gaussoin on TurfNet Radio talking organic matter.

Zoysia growing into bermuda at 6.8 cm per month.

Matee Suntisawasdi with photos of zoysia greens in Thailand:

Predictions about turfgrass and climate change in a new paper by Jerry Hatfield.

How much nitrogen is in rain and snow?

The Asian Tour was in Samui for the Queen's Cup:

A correspondent asked, about fertilizing based on soil salinity, "is there a particular reason you think it's a poor way to fertilize?"

About soil salinity, fertilizer, and not jumping on bandwagons.

Fertility might not mean what you think it does.

Reinders with a summary and lots of photos in a U.S. Open volunteer recap:

Jason Haines says measurement of clipping volume is "already proving to be more valuable that I originally expected".

And with all the measuring, he hasn't found any "increase in time that it takes to cut the greens in the morning."

He also wrote about growth rate and disease.

And extreme growth rate turfnerdery.

Do the MLSN guidelines include all 17 essential elements?

Gypsum isn't required prior to leaching salt from sand rootzones.

I'm confident that when grass grows less, the green speed will be faster.

Paul Robertson started an extraordinarily long and wide-ranging conversation with a simple question: anyone using a Pelzmeter?

"Sorry if this is a rubbish question," a correspondent wrote, about different MLSN guidelines for different grass species.

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Turfgrass roundup: May 2017

Billy Crow asks how do I know if I have a nematode problem?

MacKenzie's fundamental principle of greenkeeping.

Paul Jansen with an amazing video of greenkeeping in Myanmar:

Bill Kreuser wrote about PGR over-regulation on golf green collars.

See how irrigation requirement changes with daily soil water balance in the Philippines.

How can a location with more rain also require more irrigation?

Doug Soldat with more surprising photos, this time of dandelions:

Brad Revill reports on eight months of MLSN.

My 2017 workflow.

Kreuser with more PGR info:

Jason Haines thinks we can do better than organic.

Four seminars about soil test interpretation in Australia.

Is this the best backdrop in golf?

Sue Crawford with an update from the MLSN green.

The two green system in Japan isn't always about summer and winter greens.

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For more about turfgrass management, browse articles available for download on the ATC Turfgrass Information page, subscribe to this blog by e-mail or with an RSS reader - I use Feedly, or follow asianturfgrass on Twitter. Link and article roundups from previous months are here.

Turfgrass roundup: April 2017

Easily identify four tropical grasses.

Paul Jansen on a "Sustainable by Design" tour.

Photos and presentations from the R&A Sustainability Seminar in Japan.

Website visits by computer, phone, or tablet.

The GP Avatar app from PACE Turf.

Andrew McDaniel set off a long conversation with this tweet:

An MLSN refresher.

K in phosphite/phosphonate products.

Snow at St. Andrews from Gordon McKie:

Spring, cherry blossoms, and a 1200 year time series from Kyoto.

Andrew McDaniel went inside the ropes at the Masters with Yuta Ikeda:

Update from Oregon: S, Ca, and microdochium patch.

Ricardo Llorca prepares a multifunctional facility:

A map of MLSN newsletter subscriptions in 33 countries.

Are you subscribed to the ATC updates mailing list? Or the MLSN newsletter list? For more about turfgrass management, browse articles available for download on the ATC Turfgrass Information page, subscribe to this blog by e-mail or with an RSS reader - I use Feedly, or follow asianturfgrass on Twitter. Link and article roundups from previous months are here.

Turfgrass roundup: March 2017

In more than 3000 soil samples from turfgrass sites, how is aluminum affected by pH?

Gabe Hughes with an amazing photo of microdochium patch in Corvallis:

Salinity and grow-in of five grass varieties.

Matee Suntisawasdi found seashore paspalum on the beach:

Is golf in favour again in China?

Sustainability seminars in Japan and Korea:

The walking greenkeeper introduced himself on a new blog.

Paul Jansen visited Korea. Is this the world's largest/busiest driving range?

Presentation slides and additional information about irrigation water quality from my seminar at the Sustainable Turfgrass Management in Asia conference.

Photo galleries from the Sustainable Turfgrass Management in Asia conference.

Presentation slides and handout from my presentation about irrigation water requirement.

Simulating the irrigation frequency using a daily soil water balance.

How does the irrigation water requirement change when the irrigation rules are adjusted?

Estimating the irrigation water requirement for different soil conditions.

Calculating the daily soil water balance while explicity accounting for rootzone depth.

This Shiny app simulates the daily soil water balance for real weather data matched to user-specified rootzone characteristics and irrigation rules.

Jonathan Wood with more stunning spring photos from St. Andrews:

Light and temperature combined to look at turfgrass suitability for different climates.

Are you subscribed to the ATC updates mailing list? Or the MLSN newsletter list? For more about turfgrass management, browse articles available for download on the ATC Turfgrass Information page, subscribe to this blog by e-mail or with an RSS reader - I use Feedly, or follow asianturfgrass on Twitter. Link and article roundups from previous months are here.

Turfgrass roundup: February 2017

From Jason Haines, can one introduce more sand with solid tine aeration?

He also shared his slides from GIS, including on how reduced fertilizer has benefited my golf course.

K fertilizer and snow mold photo from Doug Soldat:

The Micah no jikan book (芝草科学とグリーンキーピング (マイカの時間 The BOOK) is now available.

Burning noshiba for the shiba yaki ceremony.

The slides from the #MLSN and GP seminar at GIS.

More details: another year, and another set of photos from Doug Soldat showing K fertilizer and more snow mold.

Three salinity levels, how do they affect the grow-in?

Five grass varieties 28 days after planting.

I created and sent the first MLSN newsletter. Read it here, or subscribe to be sure to get the next one.

Ian Daniels shared some good advice:

Peter McCormick wrote another interesting article at TurfNet.

Are you subscribed to the ATC updates mailing list? Or the MLSN newsletter list? For more about turfgrass management, browse articles available for download on the ATC Turfgrass Information page, subscribe to this blog by e-mail or with an RSS reader - I use Feedly, or follow asianturfgrass on Twitter. Link and article roundups from previous months are here.

Monthly Turfgrass Roundup: January 2017

January was another month with lots of material. From an extraordinary golf course in Nepal, to snowblowers on fairways, to sand and organic matter, there is plenty to see and read in this month's roundup.

Jon Wall went back to Nepal and shared these stunning photos of the Himalayan Golf Course.

The NC State Turf Diagnostics Lab shared a report of all samples submitted in 2016.

Should fertilizer costs be a secret?

Michael Wolpoff showed what happens to clipping volume when it rains.

The 2016 USGA Green Section Record Compendium.

Do you want to be on the ATC mailing list? Sign up here. As an example of what you'd get, this is the most recent ATC update.

Don't let micronutrients be a worry.

A sure way to prevent nutrient deficiences.

Eric Reasor wrote about his research trip to collect ball roll data in Thailand and Japan.

Brad Revill wrote more about how he makes use of the MLSN guidelines.

Hear more from Brad in this video where he talks with Nigel Taylor.

Does application of sand cause organic matter to increase?

Woodball looks like a fun game.

Jason Haines with fertilizer quantities applied since 1989.

Play golf in ice and snow, or close the course?

Jason Haines explains how he almost stopped using wetting agents on greens, and lost a case of beer in the process.

For more about turfgrass management, browse articles available for download on the ATC Turfgrass Information page, subscribe to this blog by e-mail or with an RSS reader - I use Feedly, or follow asianturfgrass on Twitter. Link and article roundups from previous months are here.

Monthly Turfgrass Roundup: December 2016

Some great articles and summaries come out at the end of every year. Here are some excellent items from the past month:

Bill Kreuser learned these five things about PGRs this year.

Luke Partridge with photos from Emirates GC:

And Craig Haldane with more at the end of the week:

This is how to lose a lot of money with frost delays.

Brad Revill started a new blog with this widely-read post about something new.

I wish everyone understood this about the quantity of fertilizer recommended by the MLSN guidelines.

Soil tests double MLSN and still getting recommendations to apply more.

Do those who soil test also apply more fertilizer?

Ken Mangum on how green speeds have changed since 1978:

Intriguing article about expectations for greens at the Masters in 1981.

Radko et al. from the GSR in 1981: A study of putting green variability.

An unlikely tool for the study of putting green speed variability.

This eclectic list of references for my 芝草科学とグリーンキーピング book.

Hong Kong GC was looking (and playing) great during the HK Open:

What do Hong Kong, Singapore, Iceland, and Mauritius have in common?

The number of golf holes in 30 countries.

I came across an amazing video of Victoria GC in 1967:

J. Paul Robertson and Sean Parker with this photo of Victoria GC under snow:

David Duke wrote about winter damage to golf turf.

Idris Evans showed some well-trained kikuyugrass:

I made a map to show all the flights I took this year, with some grass photos too.

You won't see this every day:

Elephant footprints on a golf course in Thailand.

These 10 posts from 2016 had the most views on the Viridescent blog this year.

And this is the opposite! These 10 posts had the fewest views this year.

For more about turfgrass management, browse articles available for download on the ATC Turfgrass Information page, subscribe to this blog by e-mail or with an RSS reader - I use Feedly, or follow asianturfgrass on Twitter. Link and article roundups from previous months are here.

Monthly Turfgrass Roundup: November 2016

I found all kinds of articles and photos on a wide range of topics this month, from energy use on golf courses to potassium fertilizer and winter traffic, park golf in Japan, pitch and putt golf in Denmark, and plenty more.

Which varies more through the year, light or temperature?

Paul Jansen on golf in Denmark.

Tidåker et al. on energy use and greenhouse gas emissions from turf management.

Weed control with glyphosate, neat.

Is tropical carpetgrass a good species for putting greens?

Singapore National Stadium pitch to get another makeover.

More about the daily soil water balance.

Park Golf in Japan.

Indoor park golf for winter:


Does extra K fertilizer improve bentgrass winter traffic tolerance?

Obear et al. on clay lamellae development in sand rootzones.

Two divergent views about core aeration.

Max Schlossberg on soil testing and K recommendations.

More photos from Paul Jansen in Denmark.

Pitch and putt.

For more about turfgrass management, browse articles available for download on the ATC Turfgrass Information page, subscribe to this blog by e-mail or with an RSS reader - I use Feedly, or follow asianturfgrass on Twitter. Link and article roundups from previous months are here.

Monthly Turfgrass Roundup: October 2016

There is plenty of reading material in this month's roundup, with topics ranging from coring (is it really necessary?) to large patch to golf in China. And lots more:

Jason Haines on how the MLSN guidelines changed the way he fertilized the golf course.

Haines on how the temperature-based growth potential changed the way he fertilized the golf course.

Application of the grammar of greenkeeping.

A disturbing photo of lots of large patch.

Dan Washburn on golf in China.

Eric Reasor on managing bermudagrass off-types on putting greens.

A Ryder Cup miscellany, in charts.

Winter is coming to Iceland.

Dave Wilber on karma.

Golf, health, and multifunctional facilities.

These are the top 25 tweets from the Ryder Cup, with an asterisk.

Jeff Johnson showed amazing surfaces produced with ag grade fertilizers.

Soil water balance (and implied irrigation water requirement) at Sapporo from 2013 to 2016.

Daily and monthly calculations of ET and irrigation requirement, with some especially interesting comments.

More from Haines, on turfgrass diseases.

How much coring is really necessary?

For more about turfgrass management, browse articles available for download on the ATC Turfgrass Information page, subscribe to this blog by e-mail or with an RSS reader - I use Feedly, or follow asianturfgrass on Twitter. Link and article roundups from previous months are here.

Monthly Turfgrass Roundup: September 2016

In this month’s roundup: fertilizer, roots, golf in Japan, identifying a turf disease, the Ryder Cup, putting green performance, and much more.

What's the probability of a positive response to fertilizer application?

Sue Crawford reports on a #MLSN trial green:

Golf with two greens on each hole.

Lawn fertilizer calculator from University of Missouri.

Eric Reasor shared this tip on scouting for offtype grasses:

Fast release fertilizer, burn, and root growth.

Andrew McDaniel shared photos of pre-Ryder Cup preparations:

Measuring ball roll dispersion on putting greens.

Andrew Kniss on the environmental impact quotient (EIQ). It's not better than nothing.

Thailand putting green performance.

Paul Jansen on the Japanese golf experience.

A new Shiny app with the temperature and sunshine combination for 11 cities in Japan.

Chris Tritabaugh from the 1st tee at Hazeltine:

The turfgrass disease called dog's footprint.

Documenting more preparations for the Ryder Cup:

For more about turfgrass management, browse articles available for download on the ATC Turfgrass Information page, subscribe to this blog by e-mail or with an RSS reader - I use Feedly, or follow asianturfgrass on Twitter. Link and article roundups from previous months are here.